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Step 1
Create 6 chains of 49 speks, alternating 2 colors in a 3,1,6,1,6,1,6,1,6,1,6,1,6,1,3 pattern, 1 chain of 49 speks and 2 rings of 9 speks in your secondary color
Step 2
Attach 2 of the alternating chains and fold to create a 49x2 wide strip, add a 3rd alternating chain, then the solid chain, then finish the 49x7 strip with the remaining 3 chains
Step 3
fold the strip back on itself every 7 rows of speks, the seconray color speks will line up
Step 4
Finish folding to complete the cube and add the rings where the colors cross on top!
The end.
want more how-to's? back to speks ed.